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- Containers support caching and coherence across containers, this leads to a scalable solution with little additional work
- Performance problems are much reduced from the early CMP
- still need to be careful about linking objects and activating too many
- Used to require a XML mapping file
- Supports annotations much like JPA
- Tends to have additional features and push them into the JPA
- Supports one persistence unit per file -
- Entity classes must be defined - no auto discovery
- Includes Lucene search - full text
- Indexed collections
- Filters - similar to views but support parameters and dynamic application
- Shorthand HQL
- Manual flush + validator - user transactions
- requires a persistence unit descriptor META-INF/persistence.xml
- specifying the datasource
- JPA specific configuration such as provider and it's options
- one persistence unit per datasource
- annotated classes automatically discovered
- xml overrides annotations
- supports multiple persistence units in persistence.xml file
- public attributes are persisted using field based access i.e. direct access
- private attributes are persisted property based access i.e. using getter methods
- Can not mix field and property based access - can mark which by putting annotation against field or getter method
- Getters/setters can not be final
Object that doesn't exist on it's own outside of the object referring to it
- can not be persisted separately
Persistence Manager Factory
- Scans the classes for annotations
- Creates persistence manager for managing an entity instance
Persistence Manager
- Not thread safe - Nature of session beans this isn't a problem
- stateful beans tied to one thread
- stateless beans only server one thread per call => context per method
- manages entity - CRUD, findById, query. Manages state
- transient - created but not commited
- persisted - managed context
- detached - context closed or deleted
- removed - deleted
- persistence context - manage cache - queued sql, optimisations
- automated dirty checking - batched dirty cache flushing
- optimistic locking for long lived sessions
- writes/locking delayed to the commit and locking/consistency checks performed then.
- can be configured to batch fetch when an iterator is accessed
- for a instance of the persistence manager and a persisted object multiple lookups guaranteed the same object instance
- Allows traversing of relations - performs the lazy loading on demand
- Caches and manages updates until flushed then cascades any changes required
- Designed to serve a use case - stateful bean may (probably will want to) keep open across calls #Extended context
- stateful bean configured with @PersistenceContext(type = PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED)
Java Data Objects
- JDO2 more coverage than JPA
- Separate persistence manager for transactions
- Intro http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-pj2ee4.html
- Comparison http://db.apache.org/jdo/jdo_v_jpa_orm.html
import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Id; @Entity public class Foo implements Serializable { @Id private int id; public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; } public int getId... }
- relationships: @OneToOne @OneToMany @ManyToMany
- (mappedBy = "attributeName", fetch = EAGER/LAZY, optional = true/false, cascade=true/false, targetEntity=ClassRequired.clazz)
- mappedBy when the relationship points only one way - specify owner of relationship
- not on ManyToOne - must be owner - no mappedBy
- optional if related object is required
- not available on OneToMany or ManyToMany
- mappedBy when the relationship points only one way - specify owner of relationship
- (mappedBy = "attributeName", fetch = EAGER/LAZY, optional = true/false, cascade=true/false, targetEntity=ClassRequired.clazz)
- mapping to tables: @Table @Column @JoinColumn
- not persisted @Transient
Persisted types:
- primitive types, wrappers of primitives
- String, BigInteger, BigDecimal, java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar
- java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp
- anything Serializable
- arrays (of things that can be persisted)
- Enums
- Collections (of things that can be persisted)
Entity Manger
@PersistenceContext(unitName="ComponetEntityManager") private EntityManager em; em.persist(foo);
import javax.persistence.EntityManager; @PersistenceContext(unitName="ComponetEntityManager") private EntityManager entityManager; Query q = entityManager.createQuery("select t from Type t where t.foo = :foo"); q.setParameter("foo", bar); Type type = (Type)q.getSingleResult( );
- Definition BNF
- Examples on previous page:
- updates entityManager.flush()
- entityManager.merge(type) issues:
- loads another copy for comparison - extra read
- may overwrite other changes - if detached
- may hit non uniqueness issues and uninitialised associations
- entityManager.merge(type) issues:
Much simpler than EJB 2.0 - No longer have to implement any interfaces - though some still exist - see stateful
Interface now only needs to include annotation @Remote or @Local
- @Remote
- remote business interface
Local/Remote interface
import javax.ejb.Remote; @Remote public interface FooBeanRemote { ... }
Entity Beans
- Just POJOs
- Needs to implement java.io.Serializable or Externalizable to be accessed remotely
- May throw javax.ejb.EJBException - extends java.lang.RuntimeException
- May declare exception behaviour using @javax.ejb.ApplicationException or <application-exception>
- May reference resources using annotations @Resource(name="xxx") rather than jndi lookup though InitialContext in code
- Much of the deployment descriptor is now available as annotations. Deployment descriptor can still be used to argument or override
- Note if full deployment descriptor used to define local, remote and session-type, bean could be devoid of any references to javax.ejb
import javax.ejb.Stateless; @Stateless public class FooBean implements FooBeanRemote, FooBeanLocal { @Resource(mappedName="fooDB") DataSource ds; ... }
May also define local and remote interfaces with annotations This prevents compile time checking of the interfaces though
@Stateless @Local(FooBeanRemote.class) @Remote(FooBeanLocal.class) public class FooBean {
- @Remove - annotates methods - releases bean from client when called
Extended context
import static javax.persistence.PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED; ... @PersistenceContext(unitName="ComponetEntityManager", type=EXTENDED) private EntityManager entityManager; ... public void updateFoo(String high) { foo.setBar(high); }
- Entity manager continues to track changes to entity
- Updates to entity automatically get commited when the method completes - no need to call merge() or flush()
- Normal behaviour is to only track within method
- When one stateful bean in nested in another the create and remove are cascaded to the nested bean automatically
- They can share the same persistence context if
- both are local
- both extended
- both use the same named context
- @Resource may also be used for any Enterprise Naming Context resource such as deployment descriptor references
<ejb-jar xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/ejb-jar_3_0.xsd" version="3.0"> <enterprise-beans> <session> <ejb-name>FooBean</ejb-name> <env-entry> <env-entry-name>bar</env-entry-name> <env-entry-type>java.lang.String</env-entry-type> <env-entry-value>ENC example</env-entry-value> </env-entry> </session> </enterprise-beans> </ejb-jar>
EJB core classes
javax.ejb.SessionContext Now accessed with
@Resource javax.ejb.SessionContext ctx
- getEJBObject() and getEJBLocalObject() - now obsolete and throw an exception
- <T> getBusinessObect(Class<T> businessInterface) - now returns the reference to current EJB to pass as a callback
- businessInterface - must be local or remote interface
- can not pass this reference to another bean
- Class getInvolkedBusinessInterface() - returns local,remote or web service interface depending on which interface the current call was made
SessionContext extends EJBContext
- Object lookup(String name) - Convince method
- TimerService getTimerService() - Gets a timerService to set up an event at a specific time/interval - also available as @Resource
- java.security.Principal getCallerPrincipal() - can be used to get the name of the caller
- UserTransaction getUserTransaction()
== javax.transaction.UserTransaction
- void begin()
- void commit()
- void rollback() - when complete no transaction is associated
- void setRollbackOnly() - marks transaction for rollback
- void setTransactionTimeout(int seconds)
- int getStatus()
Other technologies
Lower level:
- JdbcTemplate http://www.vogella.de/articles/SpringJDBC/article.html
- iBATIS http://ibatis.apache.org/